Ramadhan mubarak friends!~

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Depression is AWESOME


Morning worsening of symptoms/PsychoMotor agitation or retardation/early Morning wakening
Excessive guilt
Loss of emotional reactivity

If you happen to experience all the above disturbing stuffs, then find yourself a way to relax and diminish all of them. You might be depressed with melancholic features.

Depression is AWESOME

Affect is flat
Weight change (lose or gain)
Energy decreased
Sad/suicidal/social withdrawal/sexual inhibition/sleep change
Others like guilt, lost pleasure, hopeless
Memory loss
Emotional blunting

Most Used: SIG E CAPS

Sleep - Insomnia/hypersomnia
Interest - anhedonia
Energy - fatigue
Concentration - eg. difficulty making decision
Psychomotor - retardation (feels like walking in a mud, talking slow)/agitation

"Allah (alone) is Sufficient for us, and He is the Best Disposer of affairs" [Ali 'Imran: 173]

I want to be H A P P Y~


Izzati Rosli said...

psychiatry ke la ni leya? hehe.

Izzati Rosli said...

anhidonia: An inability to experience pleasure

Izzati Rosli said...

haha. saje je. spam.

anazusaila said...

haha~ u spammer~ yup.. psychi.. define anhedonia je ke? anorexia? :p

Asma' Zamanuri said...

oh my.i think i suffer from that. ANHIDONIA. heeee.
thanks leyya for sharing. :)

Asma' Zamanuri said...

btw leyya nape ade i want to be happy at the ending there?
r u not happy my dearrr?huuu.story2.

anazusaila said...

semaakk.. where on earth r u my deaarr? kene kidnap ngan alien pastu dtg balik eh ni? :P

o psl happy2 tu.. well, i WAS like u said tu la, but now i'm fine. alhamdulillah :D

*masuk psychi ni jd mereng, thats why :p

Izzati Rosli said...

are you sure? hurm........

Izzati Rosli said...

anorexia is the decreased sensation of appetite which could be harmeless or pose serious clinical condition...

interestingly enough, i found out that anorexia can be due to satiation. (it's called post prandial anorexia.)---> kenyang sgt, sampai tak lalu nak tgk makanan dah....

however, Anorexia nervosa is
a) an eating disorder characterized by refusal to maintain a healthy body weight,
b) and an obsessive fear of gaining weight due to a distorted self image which may be maintained by various cognitive biases that alter how the affected individual evaluates and thinks about their body, food and eating.

there, something to make you happy leya. :p

Asma' Zamanuri said...

hehe.iye,sy kene kidnap ngan alien, :P
ok,skarang dah start online balek ym.
just buzz me netime ok. :D