Ramadhan mubarak friends!~

Thursday 29 July 2010

EYE love you.. ophthalmology!

Thank You Allah~ I've been busy juggling with work work work n kadang2 bacaan quran pun dah berkurang tapi Allah yang Maha Penyayang tetap berikan segala2nya yang saya perlukan... I wish I can be a better servant.. huhu

Day 4 Ophthal: I can't feel my body. Seriously.

That's how tired I am nowadays... Tak pernah bajet pulak ophthal penat macam ni.. I really need a break, a spa, bekam, detoxify segala mcm makanan yg merapu, or anything relaxing. Macam mana la HO nanti agaknya -_-;

I could use some sleep jugak actually. But there's no space for so called 'beauty sleep' anymore. Aiyah~

Despite all that, I love my life now. I choose to love, not to hate. Everyday I talked to myself - "Today is going to be a better day!" Then I visualize my doings. It helps. Keeps me motivated alhamdulillah :) (tips from Prof Muhaya)

Plus, my supervisor is super nice! A softie. Very considerate. Alhamdulillah~ Better make full use of this opportunity. I hope I don't disappoint her in any way. And I really want to stay away from being a lousy 'first line screener' at the primary healthcare center.

Oh, time to study! Lotsa things to do besides straining my eyes while focusing on the fundus-the optic disc, vessels, macula fovea etc :p

Found a fun website, check it out ^_^ > www.ophthobook.com

Patients seen: I'm a doctor to patients, not diseases. But I can't reveal their names here rite? So i put the name of diseases instead :D
Glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, VKH, cataract n lots of them!, uveitis, CMV retinitis, age-related macular degeneration and... almost dapat varicose veins sebab lama sgt berdiri :p
Books: FUN-do-scopy made easy, toronto ophthal, kanski ophthal atlas, ICT ophthal :D

Wednesday 21 July 2010

Allah Maha Adil


Terukla my performance masa short case semalam~ T_T We were told to clerk cases, present, examine, generate working and differential diagnosis, lepas tu gedebak gedebuk la kena tanya and discuss. The first case was quite straight forward - CSF leakage. Macam biasala, kawan saya present chief complaint and all the bla3 details.


Sampai katil patient saya yang dah day 7 post-op, supervisor saya yang hebat suruh summarize and discuss about current status of the patient. OMG~ *thought block* Tergagap nak goreng.

Lepas tu confidence level terus turun turun... dan turun lagi. Isks.

First time tau jadi macam tu. Ada yang tak beres gamaknya. Sampai lupa post-op day berapa. Teruknya Alia...

Alhamdulillah, Dr super baik. Beliau banyak guide. My tasks were:

1. Examine and comment on patient's general appearance.
Very brief and roughly (as opposed to my presentation which was panjang dan berterabur):

Patient is lying on the bed. Tracheostomy tube. Oxygen mask not used (what a waste, terus Dr suruh discontinue the O2). Nasogastric tube. Scar from inferior border of lower lip extending to the submental region, ada jugak kat neck until midclavicular area. Kat chest pun ada sebab ada reconstruction using pectoralis major (PM flap).

2. Why does this patient need tracheostomy? (indication utk patient ni special)
- For surgical access.
- Impending upper airway obstruction.

3. Why does this patient need NGT?
- Trismus sebab pain during chewing and mouth opening > cannot eat solid foods very well > nutrisi yang tidak sihat > bagi NGT untuk high protein diet (susu)

4. Imagine u r the HO in charge, patient just come back from OT, what would u do?
*gulp* Ni soalan time surgery dulu ni. Boleh pulak lupa. (akibat belah otak untuk belajar secara serpihan)
"Err... assess the surgical site?"
"Aiyah.. begin with simple things dulu"
- VITAL SIGNS ALIA, VITAL SIGNS! Haiya.. what kind of doctor-to-be lah tak sistematik cengginih.. (kutuk diri sendiri kejap)
- don't freak out kalau temperature slightly higher than pre-op, it is a response kpd surgery, especially loooong surgery, like hers la.
- of course cek conciousness etc
- THEN comes the scar
- pain control - in this case guna patient-controlled analgesic. pakai morphine.

Lepas tu pergi katil2 lain pulak - Vocal Polyps, Laryngeal Carcinoma, cholesteatoma, then Dr bawak pergi wad paeds. Ah sudah, takde org cover bed patient ENT kat paeds tu. Dr sengaja rupanya. Kawan saya kena clerk parents the cute 7 months old baby tu.


poor baby~ T_T saya memang tak sesuai jadi paeds. tak bole tengok baby sakit. it is heartbreaking. huhu. Alhamdulillah, Allah kurniakan tubuh badan dan akal yang sihat dari kecik sampai besar. ada nikmat iman dan islam lagi.

Alia, banyakkan bersyukur ye.... Jangan mengada sangat....

Apa2 pun, bila balik tu saya muhasabah dalam2. Sedih sangat sebab perform tak bagus. Macam dah kecewakan Dr je. Saya teringat sesuatu. Saya lupa call mak abah! Kesalahan yang tak boleh dimaafkan. isks.

Anyways.. yang penting setiap sesuatu yang berlaku tu tak akan lari dari hikmah Allah. Allah Maha Adil. Dia berlaku adil pada setiap hambaNya, sesuai dengan ketahanan masing2.

"Apakah kamu mengira bahwa kamu akan masuk syurga, padahal belum datang kepadamu (cobaan) sebagaimana halnya orang-orang terdahulu sebelum kamu?
Mereka ditimpa oleh malapetaka dan kesengsaraan, serta digoncangkan (dengan bermacam-macam cobaan) sehingga berkatalah Rasul dan orang-orang yang beriman bersamanya: 'Bilakah datangnya pertolongan Allah?'
Ingatlah, sesungguhnya pertolongan Allah itu amat dekat."
Al-Baqarah: 214

Ustaz saya kata, selalunya Allah akan datangkan pertolongan bila kita dah tersepit dan tak jumpa jalan keluar. Saya setuju 200%. Sebab saya dah banyak kali kena.

~Adil nye Allah~

Patients seen: BANYAK! Hari ni klinik dari 9 pagi - 2.30 petang. Tak lunch pun. Dah biasa pulak. Bad for the tummy~
So cases for today - several cholesteatomaS, 2 cases of microtia and canal atresia, cochlear implant, meniere's disease, CSOM, allergic rhinitis, Obstructive Sleep Apnea etc.
Currently reading: jurnalsssss... sebab nak siapkan case write up and SSM.

Monday 19 July 2010

kes pendek

Esok short case exam masa ward round, Insha Allah..

Ear: inspection, palpation, otoscopy, Rinne's test, Weber test.

Nose: inspection, palpation of the sinuses, cold-spatula test, anterior rhinoscopy, posterior rhinoscopy.

Throat: indirect laryngoscopy.

Oral cavity: inspection, palpation, bimanual maybe *cuaks*

Cranial nerves: trigeminal (5th) and facial (7th) cranial nerves.

Ada 5 je patient ENT kat wad sekarang. 1 lagi lodger dari medical ward - unilateral vocal cord palsy secondary to lung carcinoma, tak sempat clerk lagi sebab patient baru masuk malam tadi.

Semoga Allah permudakan urusan saya dan rakan-rakan..

Semoga kami tak kecewakan mak ayah.. dan semestinye tak hancurkan hati supervisor kami yang sangat baik!

~Belajar bukan kerana Allah ibarat jasad tanpa nyawa~

Thursday 15 July 2010

Esok hari Jumaat.

Bangi, 15 July 2010.

Salam buat semua yang sudi bertandang.
Apa khabar BFF? (Is it kaifa halukuma?)

Coretan hari ini ringkas saja.
Moga bermanfaat.

Dari Abu Sa'id al-Khudzri radhiallahu anh bahawa Nabi salallahu 'alaihi wasalam bersabda:

Barangsiapa membaca surah al-Kahfi pada hari Jum'at, maka cahaya meneranginya antara dirinya dan dua Jum'at.

(Hadith sahih riwayat: Al-Hakim)

Dari Abu Darda' r.a Rasulullah s.a.w telah bersabda: "Siapa yang
menghafal 10 ayat pertama dari surah al-Kahfi terpelihara daripada

(Hadith sahih riwayat: Imam Muslim)

klik sini

Dah banyak kali saya berazam untuk mengamalkan surah al-Kahfi setiap hari Jumaat setelah mengetahui khasiatnya.
Dan banyak kali juga saya lupa akan niat saya.
Cuti musim panas dah bermula, harapan saya: Untuk tidak meninggalkan bacaan Surah Al-Kahfi setiap hari Jumaat.
Ya Allah bantulah hambaMu ini istiqamah dalam hal ini.

Aishah narrated that Allah's Apostle said, "Do good deeds properly, sincerely and moderately, and know that your deeds will not make you enter paradise, and that the most beloved deed to Allah's is the most regular and constant even though it were little" (Al-Bukhari)

The keywords are:
Proper. Sincere. Moderate.Regular. Constant.
Start today, keep it up.Stay steadfast.

Peringatan untuk saya dan sahabat semua.
Ayuh kita rebut pahala pada penghulu segala hari ini.

p.s: no of patients met: 2 --> abah and mak lang
--> succeeded in performing a knee examination on abah to exclude any ligaments or menisci problems(dengan confident nya, i know i was supposed to do a hip exam as well, but....).
--->Topmost differential was Osteoarthritis.
----->Convinced abah to go see his doctor. He is currently on Glucosamine.
-------> Currently Abah is not in that much pain and lenguh2 anymore.
----------> Izzati is very happy. (Although I would be happier if Abah went on and had an xray done.)
--------------> Eventhough Abah said when he told his doctor about his legs, the doctor automatically prescribed him Glucosamine, Izzati still thinks its a huge achievement for her. hahahahaha.
Jazakallahukahiran kathira abah. (^o^)!
p.p.s: A book i'm currently on: Ensiklopedia Fiqah Wanita Muslimah (Syeikh Abu Malik Kamal As-Sayid Salim - always read such book with regards to other fiqh scholars yg mu'tabar)

BFF. Jangan biarkan saya hanyut dengan ujian masa lapang ini.



Ilal Liqa'.

Thursday 8 July 2010


My 1st week in ENT Department = FUN!! And tiring...

8 am - 10 am: Lectures
10 am - 12.30 am: Clinic/Otorhinolaryngology Ward
2 pm - 5 pm: Lectures

Doctors are sempoi, so very super kind.

Otoscopy, Rinne and Weber tests, indirect laryngoscopy, anterior rhinoscopy segala macam boleh buat dengan jayanya atas tunjuk ajar para doktor.. terima kasih Allah~

First day pun saya dah kena present kes. Eh no no. 2 jam pertama dalam posting ENT dah kena present kes - thorougly! Buccal mucosa tumor pulak tu *_* Alhamdulillah, worth it~ Doctor tersebut tanya bertubi-tubi sampai menggelegak otak. Terbaik!

Next week no lectures. Better start off with case write up! 2 weeks before ENT ends. Opthal menunggu.

Saya kena refresh anatomy sungguh-sungguh! ENT sangat penting even for GPs! ENT bukan posting main-lalu-tanpa-ambil-serius.

Terasa nak further ENT pulak nanti.


Friday 2 July 2010


salam girls.
so my result is out today.heee.
alhamdulillah.all praise be to Allah.
i passed my osce! oh gembirenye!
boleh balek malaysia dengan tenang. :D

now all i need to finish is my SSC. and hopefully I dont suddenly fail that one. (oh,tidak2, nauzubillah, janganlah.) so the plan for my SSC is to reach this targeted no of words by this date:

friday 2nd July: 1000 words
sat 3rd July: + 2000 words
sun 4th July: + another 2000 words

that would be 5000 words in total which should be enough. harap boleh mendisiplinkan diri.hiks. do pray for me.

ps: dah passed exam, perasaan homesick semakin meninggi. oh, x sabar nye nak balik. Ya Allah, permudahkanlah segala urusan ku di sini.

Thursday 1 July 2010


confession girls: i tend to act a bit awkward in front of consultant yang 'menawan'.uhuh. fortunately there's only one in my hospital. this is just too crazy.what a weirdo!! adehla..hahah.

ok, on a more serious note, i am utterly very sorry for not updating much about what's going on at my side and not beeen posting much in here. been a bit busy with SSC, wimbledon and world cup.hiks! well, now that federer's out, i have a bit of time to spare. :) :P

to tell you the truth, i have no idea what to write so i would like to do a bit of rambling. (is dat ok?heee,plz bare with me,tq!)

It is not easy being human. u tend to make mistakes- all the time. oh, tapi senang je, dah buat salah mintak maafla kan. easier said than done. because your ego always gets in the way. ini more kepada kesalahan2 yang tersirat gitu. kalo yg straight forward, mmg senang je mintak maaf after dat. tah ngape cmnih. or maybe this just happens to me...huu. ok,so kepada sesiapa yg baca entry nih and ade terasa hati with me at any point of their life, I sincerely apologise for that. (adakah ini cara seorg pengecut mintk maaf.lol) but really...I am sorry. :)

“A stiff apology is a second insult…. The injured party does not want to be compensated because he has been wronged; he wants to be healed because he has been hurt.”~ Gilbert Keith Chesterton

HEeee, menarik quotes ni.i hope mine is not a stiff one. :)

I would also like to comment a bit on your previous post leyya. it is a very beautiful entry. I found myself indulging in the worldly matters a tiny bit too much lately. kadang2 kita x sedar pun..macam tiba2 je tertarik ke dalam benda2 yang tidak membawa manfaat ini melainkan keseronokan yang sementara.hmm..alhamdulillah dah tersedar sikit. im really glad you wrote that cos its kinda like a reflection piece to me.

xati dah pulang ke Malaysia.tinggallah daku seorang diri di sini yg masih meneruskan perjuangan sebagai 3rd year medics. ohh btw, result ku akan keluar dis friday. plz make doa for me friends! huuu, sy takutla...
u guys dah berjumpa2 and having fun without me ke kat sane???
if so, take loads of pictures k. will be joining u guys soon, iA.

ps: oh my, sgt xde structure la this entry.hehehe. entah u guys bole faham ke tak apa yang nak disampaikan sebenarnye. and isi pun mcm ada xde je. just feel like rambling. sorry la ye. will do better next time.
scatterbrained is me. thoughts are all over the place. ergh.
now back to serious writing- SSC; laporoscopic management of ectopic pregnancy.

(in love with this boy,hee,duniawi sekejap. :P, enjoy. )