Ramadhan mubarak friends!~

Friday 9 April 2010

A 'pretty late' Intro

Salam wbt xati, leyya and readers out there.
Ok, so I am supposed to be writing about this weeks ago but due to my perfect time management, I have successfully delayed it till now. ;)
walaupun leyya dah post beberapa entry dlm blog nih, I still want to share to others how we came about this blog.

once upon a time, xati and me pernah la menulis blog tetapi dah lama dah berhenti, mungkin kerana isi-isi blog kitorang sangatla tidak membawa manfaat kepada diri sendiri mahupun orang lain. (agaknya la :P ) I'm not sure leyya ada blog ke tidak..hehe, tp kalau ad, rasenye x pernah di-share dgn kami. :) so I assume x adalah.hee.
Maka halnya sekarang ni, tiba-tiba ada perasaan nk menulis kembali untuk share whatever interesting things/thoughts/experience we encounter to each other as we rarely have time utk call each other and talk anymore. So we resort to writing instead- to keep the ukhuwwah alive, iA. :D
We decided to make it public so that other people can benefit from this as well, iA.
(Cuba2lah baca entry2 di bawah ini, boleh dpt sesuatu iA.)

This blog consists of three authors which are me- asma', alia suzana aka leyya, and izzati aka xati.( the 3 besties ).
Ok, that's all I can write for now.
Skarang tgh cuti so tade ape yg menarik berlaku lg on my part. lets hear from you pulak xati. :)
take care girls.~

no of pts seen: 0 (on hols rite now)
currently reading: Sang Pemimpi by Andrea Hirata.


anazusaila said...

i forgot to put that in my post!
anyways, book of the moment: sandiwara langit by abu umar basyier :p
no of patients seen: other than my mom yg ade gatal2.. none.

Izzati Rosli said...

oh my God. you guys seriously put me on the spot here. pressure gitu. :P

anazusaila said...

a little pressure makes all d difference i suppose? haha~