Ramadhan mubarak friends!~

Sunday 11 April 2010

reaching out, connecting hearts.

Assalamualaikum wbt.

Dearest besties asma' and leya, (I can't believe how much one can write such lovely stuffs that quick! Kudos to you guys! Don't leave me lagging behind guys!)

I guess it's my turn now! Looking back, it's amazing that to see this blog finally materializes on my screen.
True, this blog represents thoughts needed to be shared, words needed to be spread, sorrows needed to be addressed.
What most, this blog is our way of supporting each other. Making most of what we have to complete one another. Praying that together we can mend our hearts and rejuvenate our spirits.

"O my Lord! Forgive me and my brother, and make us enter into Your Mercy, for you are the Most Merciful of those who show mercy."
(Al-Araaf: 151)

The original idea was to keep this blog updated so we can figure out what's going on with one another, however we decided to share this with others, fellow readers so that anyone might benefit from every post insyaAllah. (Just the way you put it asma! Couldn't agree more!)


From Cheras, Malaysia(leya) ,
Flying off all the way to Manchester, UK (asma') ,
Crossing borders to it's faithful neighbour, Dublin, Ireland (xati).
Different path, but with the same goal. Different characters nevertheless sharing the same love for one another.


Since our bond is too special for me,

Here's a story about friendship,
Arrabi'i Al- Aslami adalah seorang sahabat Nabi Muhammad SAW, yang merupakan sukarelawan dan melayani keperluan seharian Rasulullah SAW. Suatu hari, Nabi SAW bertanyakan Arrabi apakah permintaannya? (special request)
Apakah jawapan Ar-Rabi'i?
'Ku minta agar tetap dapat menemanimu di syurga,' sahutnya.
MasyaAllah, tinggi sekali nilai persahabatan sahabat Kekasih kita.

Friendship, according to me is..
> more than the usual formal smiles we give when we meet one another
> more than words of sympathy given when one is in distressed
> an initiave, not passively waiting to be pushed.
> about giving and not just recieving blindly.

Teringat pula kata Hasan Al-Bashri tentang ukhuwwah... :)
Tidak ada yang tersisa daripada kehidupan kecuali 3 perkara:
1. Saudaramu yang dapat kau peroleh daripadanya kebaikan daru bergaul dengannya. Bila engkau tersesat dari jalan lurus, ia segera meluruskanmu.
2. Solat dalam keterpaduan, engkau terlindung dari 'melupakannya' dan meliput ganjarannya.
3. Cukuplah kebahagiaan hidup biar engkau tak punya beban tuntutan seseorang yang harus kau tanggung di akhirat....

A note to me besties leya and asma (introducing some Irish tone here): tegurlah saya bila salah, ingatkan saya kiranya saya lupa, bantulah saya andai kata saya tidak tahu.

Some hard core puisi to ponder,

Sahabat yang tak berguna saat datangnya derita
Nyarislah seperti seteru laiknya
Selamat tinggal dunia
Bila tak ada lagi teman sejati
Yang jujur, tepati janji dan saling mengerti.

BoldBy: Imam As Syafii rahimahullah

Ya Allah, berkatilah usaha kami, semoga kami diteguhkan pendirian dan disatukan di syurgaMU nanti Ya Allah, Ya Rahman..'

no of patients: zero zip zilch (will start next week)
currently reading: clinical medicine by kumar and clarke (pocket version) : starting my rotation for medicine tomorrow!

Love you both.

cute eh?


Izzati Rosli said...

manglish pula. :)

anazusaila said...

xatiii~ hu~ ur post is emotionally colourful! it made me smile but it also made me sad. sbb x de pintu doraemon so i can makan taco friess tuuu~ :p
*i'm d cutest girl belah kanan skali k. not sure who gets d boy.. asma' kot? haha~ oops ^-^ *God grant courage n bless to my sisters please*

Izzati Rosli said...

leya dear. jzkk. we have more than the pintu doraeman leya. doamu jauh lebih berharga dari pintu itu.
you can pick the cutest girl, suits you better, i seriously think the boy resembles asma a lot. hhaha.
waiting new posts form leya!

Asma' Zamanuri said...

ouhhh..love the post!! :)
ko tgh rotation ape xatii?
n ngape pulak that boy resembles me?isk,korang ni, taulaaaa ak the least ayu.! LOL