Ramadhan mubarak friends!~

Wednesday, 16 June 2010


Women can’t just turn off thoughts that concern them. Think of a computer desktop, with windows open. To close the windows, one just clicks the close box and the window disappears. When it comes to thoughts and emotions, men just click the “close” box and move on. Women, on the other hand, may attempt to click the “close” box, but the window won’t close. Their thoughts and concerns about bothersome past and present issues are not easily dismissed. ~homeword.com

This is so true. I wish I have a hint of 'MASCULINITY'...

Jika engkau memohon, maka memohonlah kepada Allah, jika engkau minta pertolongan mintalah kepada Allah. Ketahuilah bahawa seandainya seluruh makhluk berkumpul untuk memberikan manfaat kepadamu nescaya mereka tidak akan mampu memberikannya, selain yang telah ditetapkan Allah bagimu. Dan, seandainya mereka semua berkumpul untuk mencelakakanmu, nescaya mereka tidak akan mampu mencelakakanmu selain yang telah ditetapkan Allah atasmu.

Yakini takdir Allah.

Iman jangan mati.

Cuba lagi, lagi dan lagi.

*Going to Hospital Bahagia, Tanjung Rambutan this Friday. Nak belajar banyak benda, insha Allah.. Oh Friday Izzati xm, GOOD LUCK XATI!! I'll pray for you dear. *hugs*

1 comment:

asma' zamanuri said...

btol tuuu.iman x bole mati! :) take care dear. the window will close eventually if u keep on clicking the close button.fighting!